
Amareth doesn't have buff skills yet Tera Items

Our first two quests have us killing different kinds of monsters.Tera Gold Cheap Rockcrawlers travel in packs and are fast, slippery little buggers. They don't pose too much of a threat individually but you'll notice that their groups are much closer together—and it's very likely you can aggro two or three groups at once and if you're not prepared they can do a lot of damage. Luckily, these battles are far easier with a group, and AnungUnRama's Cyclone attack means that if he gets surrounded he can take out the weaker mobs easily.

Around this time, BrotherMagneto realizes he's had a higher-level axe in his inventory for the past two levels. I fish around inside my inventory and notice there's some berserker gear I can give him as well. I also notice I've looted upgrades to my current equipment, armor or weapons better than what I'm wearing. After felling the cromos we're battling, we take a brief pause to properly equip ourselves in the more powerful items.

Although Amareth doesn't have buff skills yet Tera Items (spells that provide bonuses to character statistics, damage, or defense), these also have visual indicators as part of the game's interface. Instead of a floating icon, buffed party members get a small icon next to their character name so the player who cast it can tell who received it. The visual effect varies depending on the spell.

Related articles: http://teragoldcheapgood.putblog.com/2011/09/09/tera-fans-translator-meiellink-tera-items-in-an-official-japanese-tera-blog/

