
Buy Tera Gold One of the NPCs opposite Leander

Leander's Outpost is also home to a few more tutorial-style quests.Buy Tera Gold One of the NPCs opposite Leander himself calls to us, "If you're lucky you'll double your items." Well who can say no to that? The quest seems quite simple: accept it, receive a Pandora's Box, use it, ???, profit! Actually, it's a bit more structured than that. The Pandora's Box is a gamble. You can use them near campfires for the chance to duplicate certain items depending on the box type. Some work on crafting materials while others work on enhancement crystals.

TERA's "True Action Combat" is heavily supported by the way players will encounter and engage TERA's monsters, who possess sophisticated AI attributes that will deliver challenging actions and surprises. Monsters shouldn't mindlessly run toward the enemy and repeat the same attack over and over again. TERA's monsters circle you.

a new breed of game publisher specializing in bringing engaging and innovative online properties to new audiences,Tera Online Gold announced today that it has signed an agreement with Atari, as the exclusive North American retail distributor for the launch of its award-winning and highly anticipated Action MMO, TERA. Atari is a global creator, producer, and publisher of interactive entertainment with extensive distribution experience for both roleplaying and MMO titles. Currently in production, TERA is scheduled for release on the PC in North America in 2011.

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