
Tera items- we'll broadcast a version of the demo

TERA's crafting system is simple but deep.Tera Gold Cheap Gather materials, refine them with reagents, then combine them in a recipe with some purchased parts and fittings. Gather fiber from plants for cloth. Mine ore from rocks for metals. Draw energy from crystalline shards for alchemical essences. You will use alchemy when you're crafting focus weapons. Monsters drop hides for leather armor, as well as the runes that give items the magic of the two titans: Runes of Shara imbue weapons with Shara's power, while runes of Arun imbue armor. Higher level armor and weapons also need Runes of Titans, imbued with both.

Our booth has been completely redesigned this year. The new look is totally top secret, but our community team will descend on the booth the day before the show opens with cameras to give our fans a behind-the-scenes exclusive preview on www.tera-online.com! Watch our YouTube channel, too, for a video walkthrough!

The game will be fully playable at our booth and our distributor Atari's booth on more than a dozen kiosks! We're showing off an entirely new area our fans haven't yet seen: Pora Elinu, a much higher-level experience than we've shown before. Bring your skills if you plan to play because this is no tank-and-spank MMO—this is true action combat at its finest!

Our demo for press will be behind closed doors,Tera Items and we have something BIG planned! If you aren't a member of the press or a VIP, or if you can't attend E3, never fear: we'll broadcast a version of the demo the week after E3 on www.tera-online.com! Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook to get the latest updates on a time and place for the demo broadcast after E3!

Related articles: http://safemaplestorymesos.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-48.html

