
the big bird should be priority number Buy RS Gold

Taking out the big bird should be priority number Buy RS Gold one but is made more difficult by their ability to leap back from melee range and rain down arcane attacks from a distance. AnungUnRama's sweeping berserker attacks mow down the ebon imps long enough for Amareth's long-range spells to connect with their feathery target.

Being a berserker himself, AnungUnRama is familiar with their pattern of attack and uses it to his advance in felling them. That is, after noticing that I've drawn the attention of one and am fleeing while waiting for my Fiery Escape spell to be ready again. I'm sure we'll discern their business here in due time.

Before we take on the terron hordes Tera Gold I put a piece of knowledge I gathered from the Community Play Event to good use: gathering with multiple people stacks. If someone's gathering and you run up and gather as well, then your progress will match their progress and both players end up with the gathered material. Or in this case, the gathered cargo. Good info to have.

